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Meet Ideal Parnters

Ensure commercial success by focusing on real-world demand. 
We’ll match your tech solution with our partners’ most pressing pain points. 

Fast Track PoCs 

Prove your tech at our dedicated PoC Center, with a customized program guaranteed to meet industry needs. Our technical team will help you iterate fast and bypass red-tape.

Generate Deals

Get the support you need from our commercial experts in order to take your startup to the market. 

Grow The Future

Access our ecosystem within your target industry and attend our exclusive events connecting you with key decision-makers and investors.

 Become a

Our flagship PoC runway program connects startups with leading industry players in Europe, and is specifically designed to expedite business collaborations and commercialization processes.
The program is focused on MVP+ startups with the drive and potential to bring cutting-edge technologies to market and shape the future. 


Q Europe is launching in May 2024.

Apply now to be part of the revolution.

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